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By Casey Elliott | July 27, 2021 | 7 Minute Read

5 Ways to Post Great Content: Financial Institution Social Media Dos and Don’ts

Man and woman post great social media content
Like any other professional who oversees social media marketing for financial institutions, you know how much time it takes. And when the return on your investment is low, it’s a problem.

You're smart to incorporate Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other social media platforms into your comprehensive marketing plan. But be sure to also act on some basic financial institution social media dos and don’ts. 
Within your industry's best practices are tricks that marketing pros use to get people to engage in a company’s profile. Learn those, and the time you spend publishing online will lead you to reach new customers and strengthen relationships with existing ones. 
Here are five financial institution social media dos and don’ts you can use in your outreach efforts right away. Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to create a measurable plan that'll increase your business success and help you save time and money.

1. Do Take Inventory 

Before you move forward with your new efforts in social media, take an inventory of your online assets. Create a document that includes a list of all your social media handles. You should strive to have the same branding across all platforms. That way, no matter where your future or current customers connect with you, they’ll have a similar experience. 
Then go to the back end. Use free tools such as Facebook Audience Insights to see what posts have been more successful than others. Know the demographics of the page’s followers, and research their lifestyles through the back-end data to see if you’re reaching the type of customer you seek. 
Next, do some research on the competition. Look at their different social media accounts with a critical eye. Take notes on the types of content they post that seem to engage people. You don’t have to do the same thing, but your market analysis can spark ideas.

2. Don’t Try to Target Everyone 

Typically, financial marketing professionals mistakenly try to get the attention of every single person in a geographic area. The problem is that while many people in the area would make excellent customers, many wouldn’t. 
If you aren’t sure what type of person you’d like as a customer, you’ll have a hard time reaching anyone at all. Knowing your target audience goes well beyond bank/credit union social media — it’s the first thing every marketing professional should determine. The key is drilling down so your communications are as focused as possible. A good place to start is with your current customer base to determine who already wants to do business with your company. 
Then create a persona for your ideal customer, and use details that go well beyond gender, education, and consumption habits. Think about their interests, professional information, and even personal characteristics. This can give powerful clues about potential partnerships with other businesses and online groups where they may spend their time and money.

3. Do Create a Strategy

Once you’ve done the research and brainstormed details about the target audience you’re hoping to reach, you’re ready to create a bank/credit union marketing plan. By planning out your content-publishing strategy well in advance, you’ll avoid scrambling at the last minute.
It’s a good idea to focus on one platform instead of trying to have a robust presence on every social media platform, especially if you have a small marketing staff. Determine who in the office will be responsible for which tasks so that nothing falls through the cracks.
A social media plan should include a calendar that outlines exactly what will be posted on which day. Think at least six months in advance so you can consider the different holidays and seasons that impact your business. Are there certain times of the year when you want to ramp up efforts? Start early. For example, start a Christmas holiday campaign in mid-November. 
Remember this old adage: Plan the work, and then work the plan. If you don’t have a good idea of the type of content you want to post, you may fall back on just trying to post anything that seems OK just to keep your profile fresh. Thoughtless posts are just a lost opportunity to connect with your future customers.

4. Don’t Forget Storytelling

An excellent way to humanize your business is through the art of storytelling. But don’t just use words. Tell a story with an engaging photograph or a short, embedded video that demonstrates the values and mission of your financial institution.
Marketing compliance will require that you protect sensitive information about your customers. But you can still search for stories about your employees or customers who are willing to participate in your marketing efforts. Search out testimonials and anecdotes about how you’ve helped to transform lives and improve the community.
Ask the professionals in your organization to share stories of meaningful experiences they’ve had at work. Reach out to businesses that rely on your financial institution to provide valuable services or products to the community. Offering warm stories and high-quality photos will go a long way to increasing engagement. 
For some more ideas on how to tell your community impact story, check out this article

5. Do Keep It Fun

Getting creative will help you make an impact, so have fun when posting on social media.
Consider starting a blog (which can be hosted on your website) with links posted on social media. Search for ideas by reading other banking blogs. Then position your company as the expert in the industry by sharing valuable information your targeted customer will appreciate. 
Make sure you include images that pop out on the screen. This means using natural light, bright colors, and faces with strong emotions. If your budget allows, work with a professional photographer or illustrator rather than using tired stock photos.

Bonus Tip: Do Use Marketing Compliance Software to Help

To save even more time on social media, use software that can streamline bank/credit union marketing approvals for social posts and other marketing content. 
Kadince software makes it easy to track, manage, and approve your team’s marketing materials. Kadince routes marketing materials to the proper approvers and even sends reminders, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. Kadince automatically archives all your marketing materials so you can always find everything in one place. This makes it easy to track your bank/credit union’s social media posts and get the proper approval. To learn more, schedule a demo of Kadince today.

None of Kadince, Inc., its affiliates, or its respective employees, directors, officers, and agents (collectively, “Kadince”) are responsible or liable for any content or information incorporated herein. Read full disclosure.

Casey Elliott | Kadince

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